Our developers have done more work inside of IF3 Release 3.50 on the latest new Groups feature, additions to the activity log and some bug fixes that have been a thorn in our side for a while now that are now a thing of the past.
IF3 Release 3.50 Enhancements
New Campaign Webhook Field – We added a new field on the team and campaign webhooks for automatically inviting guests. If an email is sent over with that field header in a team webform or campaign webhook that person would be invited as a guest to the created opportunity.
This allows our guest process to be even more dynamic. You can have a joint venture form on your website to submit deals and when the deal is submitted it automatically invites the person who submitted it.
Guest Access Recording – Another enhancement to the Guest Access feature. Sharing and un-sharing an opportunity will now be recorded in the Activity Log!
Get the updated Knowledge Base article here
Call Attempts in List View – In the Actions list view where the breakdown of the actions are shown, we combined all of the Call Attempt # actions into one item so they don’t clutter all of the menu blocks.
IF3 Release 3.50 Bug Fixes
User Permission/Access – We have continuously monitored the permission issue that would cause problems where the menu on the left would not appear at times, users would be unable to sign in momentarily, or things would break if a user role was recently changed. We have made some updates to the permissions on the backend and are hoping that this would completely eliminate the issues!
Inaccurate Action Counter – We got a recent report about the number next to the Actions button on the left not matching the total amount of overdue and due today actions in the list view. That has been corrected in this update!
Use Opportunity Owner – When creating actions and assigning it to “Use opportunity owner”, the system would assign the action to the one creating it instead. This is not how it should work if the opportunity owner and the one creating the action are different people! This is fixed 🙂
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