InvestorFuse Releases 3.95 and 3.96 are now live to all users and with it comes a huge list of improvements to the platform. We revamped sequences to provide improved flexibility to our members, and updated the UI to show better visibility of each step. That’s not all though, there is a whole list of changes under the hood, so the full details are below for the release notes of InvestorFuse Releases 3.95 and 3.96.
👍 Enhancements for All Plans
Sequence Multiple steps on Day 1 – The sequences feature is one of the most sought after features on the InvestorFuse platform and we just made it more powerful! Users can now opt to trigger multiple steps on Day 1 compared to only 1 step on the first day. This makes sequences more flexible and can be used on a wider range of opportunities.

Sequences Linked Opportunities – Sometimes users would just like to have an overview of all the opportunities running a specific sequence, now they can! We have added a new tab in sequences which allows the team to view all the opportunities that are currently running a specific sequence.

Sequences Error indicators – Sequence steps will now show an error if they fail to trigger, i.e. if the step is to send an email and the contact does not have an email address, or if the step requires to send a text message and the phone number field on the contact is blank.

Contact Import – As requested by many users, we have now added an import feature solely for contacts without having to create opportunities, this will open up new ways to use the system like adding a buyers list.

More about contact imports:
Make Form Text Fields Support Hyperlinks – It has come to our attention that users would often put links together with texts within the same field, thus we made the text fields able to support hyperlinks. Users can now click on the links directly even when they are inside text fields.
✨ Enhancements for Pro and Premium Plans
Follow up message for auto-responders – Auto-responders now have a feature to send a follow up message after the first one! This ensures that opportunities get the confirmation message after reaching out.

🎨 UI updates
Sequence UI Update – Running sequences now show the number of steps done and the remaining ones and an overall new look.

Sort users by email alphabetically – Users are now sorted by email alphabetically within the users and roles section, this is to make it easier to find specific users especially in large teams.
Fix the important dates box sizes – We have made adjustments in the date boxes within the actions and opportunities list to make the page more uniform and easier on the eyes!
(Improvement) File/Link new delete button – Users have provided feedback with the delete button in the files section saying it was a bit confusing to use. We have now updated the UI so that it will change color when clicked prompting the user that it has been triggered.

Notifications Section – The notifications area has now been refreshed with a new style and color schemes which is more pleasing to the eyes and less confusing.

🛠️ Bug Fixes for Pro and/or Premium Plans
Speed To Lead Being Calculated From Autoresponders – There was an issue with speed to lead calculating even messages from autoresponders making the data inaccurate and unusable, we have since updated it to only count the actual messages/calls from users.
Transactions – Offer amount prefill not working – When putting an opportunity into Transactions, they can prefill fields with certain data. This stopped working at some point and is now fixed on this release. The prefilled data should now function correctly.
Opportunity not showing in transactions – Some opportunities that were sent into transactions failed to show up in the transactions list, we have updated the system logic and made failsafe measures to make sure this does not happen anymore.
External sending trigger not working – The SMS feature in the external sending was having issues and would usually fail to trigger. This has been addressed on this release.
🛠️ Bug Fixes for All Plans
My Dashboard – Incorrect Data – There was an error with the appointment KPI which counted the attendees instead of the actual user who booked the appointment. This is now fixed on this release.
Actions list not sorting the times correctly – Although the actions were being sorted correctly by date, the times were all jumbled up. Our developers have adjusted the sorting logic so that it’s now sorting correctly for both time and date.
Sequence Pause/Resume does not activate sequence steps – There are instances where paused sequences would not resume steps after clicking resume. This has been resolved on this release.
Error on switching teams – Some users would sometimes experience an error when switching teams if their internet connection is slow, we have since then updated the system codes to adapt to any connection speed.
Inaccurate data on Custom date ranges in KPIs – When you select custom date ranges while viewing KPIs like the scorecard, it sometimes shows inaccurate data due to the time zone differences. We have adjusted the system logic to only follow the workspace timezone.
Actions getting stuck – There were instances when actions that are already completed would remain in the list and show up as overdue. We have fixed this on InvestorFuse Releases 3.95 and 3.96.
Dead leads with New status – When a user cancels midway through reviving a dead lead, it would cause an error and tag a dead lead as new again. We have implemented warnings in the system so users do not accidentally do this.
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