Avery Carl | Short Term Vacation Rentals
Avery Carl joins the show to talk short term rentals, Airbnb’s, and vacation STR’s.

Interview Topics:
- How Avery started with real estate
- Why Avery got into short term rentals and went from 0 to 30 short-term rentals.
- The current state of AirBNBs and other short-term rentals
- Systems and processes in acquiring short-term rentals
Where To Watch And Listen
Short Term Rentals on YouTube
Short Term Rentals on our Podcast
About Avery Carl
Avery Carl is a top real estate agent and CEO/founder of The Short Term Shop, a national real estate firm that represents and mentors investors in the buying and selling of investment properties in the top short-term and vacation rental markets in the U.S.
Find Avery
The Short Term Shop: https://theshorttermshop.com/
Avery Carl on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theshorttermshop/?hl=en
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