This week we wanted to dive into data. Specifically, the data struggles around the manual process of pulling data, scrubbing data, and organizing data. Brandin is moving his data management process to REI Op-Center and through the process of uploading old data he is finding human errors in the data process he’s had for years.
For too long our industry has accepted this problem and offloaded it to VAs. But when you dig into it, look at what errors occurred, how much money is being wasted, and also how many deals are potentially being missed? Come explore it all with us this week!
In this episode, the guys discuss the following topics in detail:
– The beginnings of owning a mobile home park
– How Excel and Human Error mess with prospecting data
– Shaking up the paradigm of how real estate investors handle their data
– Elon Musk and Twitter
Catch this episode [Don’t Accept Your Data Struggles As Inevitable] on YouTube:
The show goes live every Friday at 12PM ET, and you can join the conversation live and ask your questions on-air and get them answered on the spot. Follow and subscribe to the channel and get notified when the show goes live. Check out the show links here.
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