IF3 Release 3.53 has tons of enhancements that should not only make it more visually appealing but more intuitive and more efficient. We’ve created a fail safe in your Actions to keep your Opportunities from breaking, we made UI enhancements and we foofed up the Comments box in the Action Pipeline to make it easier to work with.
Those of you who had this issue will be happy to learn we figured out why Notes were randomly disappearing. Thanks to you who helped us pinpoint the issue as it was difficult to put this puzzle together and we couldn’t have done it without your help.
There are more bug fixes that are pretty solid as well, read on about our fix to opportunities being duplicated no more….a remedy to stuck Actions and we’ve fixed an annoying issue with custom Opportunity forms.
IF3 Release 3.53 Enhancements
Names in Team Users – The name of your team members will now appear in the Team Users section if they saved the info in their ‘My Profile’. This should make it easier to identify your team members instead of guessing via their emails! Check out the updated article here
Sequence Default Next Action – Oftentimes, setting a next action is forgotten when people create their own sequences in the system. A sequence with no next action set can break the opportunity when it is completed so to avoid any issues, we set ‘Follow up with seller’ as the default next action if you don’t have any next action saved in a sequence. We’ve updated the Knowledge Base article here.
UI Enhancements – We made a bunch of UI enhancements around the system to improve the UI/UX experience and hopefully make it clear that some things are clickable while others aren’t.
Expandable Comment Box – The box when adding a comment through the Add button while completing an action would not expand when adding long texts. This was annoying for us when we found out about it so we can only imagine what it was like for you guys. The comment box can now be resized so you can see the whole thing as you’re typing.
IF3 Release 3.53 Bug Fixes
Notes Disappearing – We received a report about the notes disappearing and after a thorough investigation, we FINALLY cracked the code! Turns out as you’re typing notes, they disappear when someone else from the team adds/changes info in the property details of the same opportunity. This should no longer happen after this release!
Duplicate Opportunities – Duplicate opportunities were created after text backs were received by the system. It had something to do with how the phone numbers were formatted when the responses came through. We made some changes to the backend to recognize the phone numbers no matter the format to counter this.
Appointment Banner in EST – The banner that appears in an opportunity when an appointment is booked says EST no matter what timezone the company is set in. This definitely causes confusion so it’s now fixed!
Email Format in Activity Log – When an email from a sequence is sent and is recorded in the activity log, the formatting of the email looks weird where it would show HTML codes. This might make one think that it was how the email got sent. This was a UI only bug and did not affect the actual email going out. This has been fixed nonetheless!
Stuck Actions – Reports of stuck actions still come in every now and then. It’s a challenging issue because we are still unable to reproduce this in any of our test teams at will making it hard to pinpoint the issue. This release includes an experimental fix for this issue and we’ll continue to closely monitor it.
Opportunity Forms – We fixed a UI issue where selecting a custom opportunity form in an opportunity then switching to a different tab reverts it to the original opportunity form. The custom opportunity form will now stick without having to refresh the page.
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