Heads up! The real estate market is changing. Are we in a #SellersMarket or #BuyersMarket? When is the shift going to happen? How will the banking crisis affect real estate? What marketing channels will increase with new restrictions to cold calling and texting? What’s the goal of the National Realtors Association when it comes to Sub Two?
Join John, Carlos, and Brandin as they discuss:
- Sellers Market or Buyers Market… when is it going to shift
- How the banking crisis will affect the real estate market
- New restrictions to calling and texting what other marketing channels will have increased competition
- What the National Realtors Association’s goal is with going after Sub Two
Catch this episode [The Real Estate Market Is Crashing… Grab Your Money And Hide] on YouTube
The show goes live every Friday at 1PM ET, and you can join the conversation live and ask your questions on-air and get them answered on the spot. Follow and subscribe to the channel and get notified when the show goes live. Check out the show links here.
Follow the Hosts and the Show
Let’s Talk Real Estate… and Stuff – https://www.instagram.com/letstalkrealestatetv
John Whitfield – https://www.instagram.com/whitfieldj
Carlos Zamora – https://www.instagram.com/itslos21
Brandin Pettersen – https://www.instagram.com/mr.realovative
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