Our development team has been hard at work improving the platform and addressing reported bugs in the system. In IF3 Release 3.51 we provided enhancements to the actions and opportunities views and improved upon our webform webhook logic to further improve the overall performance and speed of the system.
Actions/Opportunities List View – Actions and Opportunities sections will now display items that are assigned to you by default! This change was done to help speed up the loading times in teams that have a lot of data in the system. Only displaying the items that are assigned to a user will greatly decrease the number of items that need to be loaded and should result in a smoother experience. It is worth noting that you will still be able to see actions or opportunities that are not assigned to you.
Knowledge Base article on Actions
Knowledge Base article on the Opportunities List View

New Webform Webhooks Logic – New logic has been added to the webform webhooks in the system. When there is a new webhook post, the system will now lookup the property address in the database to see if it exists. If it does, the existing opportunity will be updated but if no match is found, a new opportunity will be created. This will stop you from having to manually add the opportunity when another property is sent over by an existing seller in the system!
Previous and Next Buttons – The Previous and Next buttons inside an opportunity used to disappear whenever you refresh the page. IF3 Release 3.51 has resolved this, it’s no longer a cause for annoyance!

Bug Fixes
Guest Emails Disappearing – We received a report where the emails you enter in the Guests tab of a campaign were not saving. Upon further investigation, the emails entered did save in the database but the UI would refresh and clear the field so it looks like it didn’t save. This was pushed out as a hotfix last week!
Calc Fields Not Saving – Another issue reported was the Calc Field equations not saving in other opportunities except on the one where it was created. This was also released as a hotfix 🙂
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