If you haven’t heard yet, we now have a new Premium subscription level which means some of our releases will be for premium features and some will be for all subscriptions so we’ll let you know when something is specific to one type of subscription.
Inside of IF3 Release 3.57 we’ve already made some improvements to Groups for our Premium members and we enhanced the Dead Reasons feature based on comments and requests from our awesome customers.
IF3 Release 3.57 Enhancements
Manager Group View (Premium Feature) – When Groups was released, there was no way to see the group tabs in the Opportunity section if you weren’t a part of them. To allow the managers/team owners to effectively oversee the groups, we added a drop-down in the “Toggle Pipeline” button that lets you access all of the group tabs in your team.
Check out the new Knowledge Base article here

Updated Action Flow (Premium Feature) – As we onboard more and more people into the Premium plan, it became apparent that we had to make it easier for our users to change the related group in an opportunity. There is now a field to change the group when you create the next action so you don’t have to go to a different page to do it.
See the new Knowledge Base Article
Dead Reasons – This update includes a few enhancements to the Dead Reason feature. We took the Task, Email Notification, and Webhook settings from the sub-reasons and made them available for the pre-existing Dead Reasons. We also added a new status filter called “Dead Former” where all of the opportunities marked dead prior to the release of the Dead Reasons feature will be located.
More info on Dead Reasons at this URL

Extended Campaign Field – The Campaign field in the Info tab of an opportunity has been extended to allow long campaign names to be readable!
Open Campaigns in a New Tab – We made it so that the campaigns can now be right-clicked and opened in a new tab. This update makes our integration team’s job a whole lot easier and if you’re doing a lot of work inside the Campaigns section, you will appreciate this too!
Bug Fixes
Team Actions Sub-Filters – If you filter by Tasks in the Actions section and start completing items, the sub-filter would reset every time. This is fixed!
Incorrect Dead Reason – When Follow up with Seller action is created and then you mark the opportunity dead, it gives you the option to select a Lead Dead Reason. The system should display the Opportunity Lost reason because the opportunity is moved to Pursue stage whenever a Follow up with Seller action is created.
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