IF3 Release 3.79 is now released and this is a fairly big update for all tiers! From enhancements with transactions to the groups functionality coming to Pro teams, there’s a little bit of everything for users across all InvestorFuse tiers. Check out the release notes for IF3 Release 3.79!
๐ฏ Enhancements for Pro and Premium Plans
Transaction Submission Form fields can be set to “not required” – Some information can sometimes be unnecessary depending on the type of deal you have, so we decided to make the system a bit more flexible in that manner. You can now set Transaction Submission Form fields as “not required” so you can skip putting data in them when pushing opportunities to transactions!

Click here to learn more about setting up Transactions
๐ Enhancements for Pro Plan
Groups for Pro Plan – Pro Plan users can now enjoy the Groups feature which was only available to premium users! They can now assign opportunities to groups but will only be limited to 2 groups per team.

๐ฅ Enhancements for All Plans
Add contact info inside the opportunity record – You can now use the global search function to look up opportunities using contact information like email addresses and phone numbers!

Speed to lead – Speed to lead is a new addition to our growing KPI record, this will show up in each opportunity and scorecard (Only on IF3 Premium).

You can also see the speed to lead info in your mini dashboard
Custom motivations – After getting a lot of requests, we have finally finished developing the feature to create and edit your own motivations! This will allow your team more versatility in handling opportunities and be more productive!

Click here to learn more about Custom Motivations
๐ฏ Bug Fixes for Premium Plans
Can’t Delete Transaction Types – When the default transaction type gets duplicated, the system would recognize the duplicated field also as a default and therefore disable the delete function. This has been fixed, now only the selected transaction type in the submission form will be considered as the default.
๐ข Bug Fixes for Pro and Premium Plans
Transaction deleted details/pricing fields returning – We fixed an issue with transactions regarding deleted pricing and details fields returning after you add a new field.
Pricing and Detail fields inside of type are deselected – The Pricing and Detail fields in transactions would sometimes get deselected out of nowhere. We have updated the server scripts and database so that this never happens again.
Drop-down detail field becomes a standard text input – Some of the fields in transactions would sometimes not function properly or change into a different field entirely. We have fixed this issue now so everyone can use all the different fields without any more worries.
๐ ๏ธ Bug Fixes for All Plans
Inaccurate data on custom date range – There are times when the dashboard data is inaccurate when selecting custom date ranges. We have added additional checks on this feature to help its accuracy with the displayed data.
Allowance for .wav files for sequences was too small – Uploading .WAV files for RVMs had a limit of 1MB, we raised it to 5MB now so it can handle larger files. But the limit is still 60 seconds for each RVM.
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