We have some exciting news to share with our customers and community, InvestorFuse is now a part of the Carrot family! Trevor Mauch and the team at Carrot have put together a wonderful announcement that walks through the exciting reasons why they choose us to become the first acquisition under Carrot. The carrot announcement thoroughly details what is on the horizon and I highly recommend reading it so you can understand how our two platforms are working together to provide the best place to generate your online leads and then manage your follow-up with them.
Read the official InvestorFuse announcement here
What does that mean for our customers, product, and amazing staff? Only good things! We were acquired in January of this year and you probably haven’t noticed any changes. All of our staff remain working at InvestorFuse and our product continues to be focused on creating the best solution for lead management in the real estate investing industry.
This InvestorFuse announcement is only the beginning. Here’s a sample of features the team has rolled out in the past few quarters…
- SmrtPhone + InvestorFuse integration
- A powerful “Resurfacing” feature to bring back and convert “dead leads”
- Transactions beta (you’ll be able to handle the dispositions side of the business coming soon!)
… and dozens and dozens of improvements to the software across the board
If you have both Carrot and InvestorFuse, there is now a new direct Carrot + InvestorFuse integration inside of Carrot. It eliminates the need to use Zapier to send your leads from Carrot to InvestorFuse, saving you money and eliminating an extra step in the process.
This InvestorFuse announcement is just the start. We look forward to an amazing future working with Carrot to create a shared vision of helping you build a business of freedom and impact… now from lead… to a closed deal.
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