We released some BIG features last week so this week’s InvestorFuse IF3 release is a little smaller in comparison but it’s still worthy of a post!
Enhancements to InvestorFuse IF3
Previous and Next buttons in Opportunities – The previous and next buttons used to disappear whenever you refresh the page while in an opportunity. This was annoying especially if you are going through a filtered list since you’d have to go back to the list view and go through the opportunities again. This is now fixed!

Changes to Invite and Notification emails – Slight changes were made to the invite and notification emails… We beautified them! Emails from IF3 now look awesome with the new facelift.
Bug Fixes
IF3 on Mobile – We received a report about an issue in the login page of InvestorFuse IF3 when accessing it through a phone. The page was too zoomed in and the login buttons were hidden out of sight. We found the cause of the issue and fixed it!
Opportunity Filter – An issue came up with filtering opportunities by date created where nothing would happen even after selecting the time-frame. This has been addressed as well!
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