InvestorFuse has been updated as InvestorFuse Release 3.81 and 3.82 were combined into one big release to accommodate more enhancements, feature updates, and bug fixes. In this release, we also introduce Focus Mode which helps improve overall performance while working through opportunities in the system. Check out the release notes for InvestorFuse Release 3.81 and 3.82.
✨ Enhancements for Pro and Premium Plans
Attaching Contacts To Transactions – In our continuing effort to improve Transactions. We have now added the option to attach contacts to a transaction. This will open up new possibilities while using the feature, you can even create/choose what type of contacts they are upon attaching them to the transaction item.
Read more about Transactions here

Dedicated Tab for Closed Transactions – It used to take quite a number of clicks to filter out closed transactions, now they have their own tab for easy tracking!

Transactions Activity Log – Another feature we decided to add to reduce the number of clicks users have to do to get to important information while in transactions. This is an exact copy of the Activity log in the opportunity info page but with the option to view communication history with attached contacts!

👍 Enhancements for All Plans
Focus Mode – This is one of our latest features targeted to speed up performance and speed for users with slow internet connections, low computer specifications, and possible lag due to massive opportunity counts.
Click here to learn more about Focus Mode

🎨Minor UI updates
Change In The Use of ‘Assignments’ Inside InvestorFuse
We’ve been getting a lot of feedback in regards to the use of the word assignments so we changed it to “Lead Routing” to better suit its use and avoid confusion.

Calculation field issues – Values in the calculation fields were shown in a very light shade of gray, this is fixed now.
Important Info tab in opportunities – We added dollar signs to all pricing fields in the Important Info tab in opportunities.
Transaction UI Adjustments – We made minor adjustments to the transactions page of an opportunity to better display important information without looking like a mess.
Show the user name in the Edit Action popup from the action list – In some areas, it would only show the user’s email instead of their name, this would sometimes make it hard for users to assign items to teammates when they forget their email addresses.
🛠️ Bug Fixes for Pro and/or Premium Plans
Mini dashboard total talk time not accurate – We fixed a bug where the mini dashboard showed an inaccurate total talk time with leads when using Smrtphone.
Instructions for first action does not appear in activity log – When you put instructions on the first action of a manually created opportunity, the system would not show that information anywhere, this has been fixed and will now appear in the actions tab.
Transactions – Dashboard not accurate info – The transactions dashboard would sometimes show incorrect projected profit and actual profit of deals, this is fixed now.
Pro teams do not have full groups functionality – When we added the groups functionality to Pro users, we missed a few areas. It’s been fixed and they now have full functionality.
All Company Groups do not follow the sorting of the groups section – The group tabs did not follow the way the groups were sorted in the Groups menu, we fixed this so they would appear in the same order now.
Transactions – Opportunity under contract doesn’t get tracked right away – There was an issue where opportunities under contract weren’t getting tracked unless their status gets updated, this is fixed now.
Transactions – Transaction items would get tracked multiple times – When we changed the type of Transaction items, they would get tracked again as a new transaction, this has been fixed and should no longer occur.
Transaction changes were not recorded in the activity log – Any change in the transaction status will now post an entry in the activity log.
Actions overdue, due today, scheduled not showing automatically when looking at groups – There was an issue with the action pipeline not updating when looking in groups, we made the correct adjustments now.
Status workflows not getting saved – We fixed an issue where the Workflow status would not save if a transaction status was selected.
Regular ‘send contract’ action not included in the employee scorecard – Accounts that don’t have transactions activated still use the send contract option, this would not get tracked in the scorecard. This has been fixed now.
Roles restriction still applied after changing a user’s permission from agent to manager – There was an issue where Roles would still remain in effect even after an agent has been changed to a manager, this is now working as intended.
🛠️ Bug Fixes for All Plans
Sequences With No Steps Can’t Be Chosen – We have removed sequences without steps in the options for running a sequence. This is to prevent users from accidentally using unfinished sequences.
Action List Sort By option is broken – The option to sort actions would sometimes not work, this is now fixed.
Sub dead reason task and email not working – When you select a sub dead reason when marking an opportunity dead, the tasks and email automations did not work for the sub reasons, only the main worked. This has been fixed now.
Action counter incorrect sometimes – The action counter would sometimes show an incorrect value for some users, we have added more checks to prevent this from happening again.
The expected sales price field resets when you click out of it – When putting an opportunity under a contract, the expected sales price field would reset once you click out of it. This is now fixed and will retain the data correctly.
Round Robin not working correctly under certain circumstances – We found an issue with our round-robin script which would cause it to distribute opportunities unevenly, we rectified this issue and it should now work as designed.
Notifications scroll bar not working – The scroll bar for the notifications would sometimes not work due to overlapping with other scrollbars, we have adjusted it so it would no longer overlap with any other scrollbars.
Activity section – Incorrect title of an event – We had an issue where outbound communications were shown as inbound in the activity section in the dashboard, this minor UI issue is fixed now.
Inaccurate Total Active Sellers on the dashboard – The total Active sellers also counted dead and assigned to realtor opportunities, this logic has been updated now to count only true active sellers.
Sequence sends the same message multiple times if you edit it after starting one – There was an issue when you changed a sequence template, it would cause the currently running sequences to trigger multiple times, this was fixed immediately after being reported.
Callrail recordings not being saved if the tracking number is not in a campaign – Callrail recordings weren’t being added in the logs if the tracking number was not set in a campaign, this has been fixed now and will work regardless if there is a campaign for it or not.
Unknown smrtPhone numbers showing up in Communication Assignment – There was an issue where random numbers would show up in the communications assignment menu which caused confusion within teams. This was fixed immediately after being reported.
As seen through the host of fixes, enhancements, and new features highlighted InvestorFuse Release 3.81 and 3.82 is massive. Which feature or bug fix helped your team out the most? Leave us a note in the comments.
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