InvestorFuse has been updated to InvestorFuse Release 3.85. We have added a new set of features that should improve the user’s quality of life and some unique features to InvestorFuse. Check out the details of our InvestorFuse Release 3.85 below.
🚀 Enhancements for Premium Plans
Round Robin Enhancements (Weighted Round Robin) – We have developed a unique lead distribution system that is only available in IF3! Users can now set scoring on their employees so that high-performing users can get more leads! This will also open up a new way to set users to vacation mode when they won’t be available to work on leads!

Click here to learn more about weighted round-robin
Lead Scoring – This new feature will be a game-changer for high-performing teams! This will basically provide teams a quick way to sort high-priority leads from low-priority ones without actually having to manually change their motivation. It will provide scores based on how you set them so it automatically calculates the scoring for you for each lead!

Click here to learn more about Lead scoring
Saved Views/Filters – Another useful feature that we developed is the ability to save your custom filters! You can share these filters with your team or just for your own personal use, this will make the system more flexible to accommodate different work styles on our ever-growing user base!

Click here to learn more about Saved filters
✨ Enhancements for Pro and Premium Plans
Internal and Seller Emails in External Sending and Workflows – We have added more automated ways to send sellers an email. One is via the external sending function and the other is within workflows, again this would add more flexibility to the system for different workstyles!

Click here to learn more about Workflows
Click here to learn more about External sending
Adding Delay and Office Hours to Campaign Autoresponders – Campaign autoresponders would send the leads a message immediately after coming into the system and sometimes would look awkward when they do so in the dead hours of the night. Now we added the option to not just delay the message but also add in working hours so they would be delayed the next working day when they come in after work hours!

Click here to learn more about Campaign autoresponders
👍 Enhancements for All Plans
Add Street address field as token – Due to the growing number of users taking advantage of the tokens feature, we are continually adding more options to it. Now you have the option to use the street address in your messages so that it would look more personalized and human compared to those static and robotic-looking messages.

Click here to learn more about templates
Default number of items per page added to user settings – Our never-ending mission to reduce the number of clicks that users need to make in the system has made us add another feature! You can now set the default number of items per page in your profile settings so that you can immediately view 20 or 50 items by default!

Click here to learn more about My Settings
Imports for Customers – We would frequently get import requests from users and when we process them, they all come in as new opportunities without labels, groups, campaigns, different owners, etc. But now we have improved our import system so users can now import leads and they can come into the system appearing like they have been there for a long time! Different owners, campaigns, groups, etc.!

Click here to learn more about Imports
Dead Sub Reason Breakdown – We have added this tiny but neat new feature that allows users to see a quick view of the breakdown of their dead opportunities according to sub-reasons!

🎨Minor UI updates
Expand Notes Edit Box – We changed the way the notes work when users edit them, we made the editing box much larger for easier access and better view!

🛠️ Bug Fixes for Pro and/or Premium Plans
Status workflow not working for Appointments – There was this weird issue with workflows not triggering for the appointment status. We have now fixed this issue so it can work on all available status.
Opportunities in a sequence are automatically released if it is in a group with releasing rules turned on – Opportunities that are currently in a sequence were being released from owners due to the group rules, this should happen since there’s no overdue action on opportunities in a sequence. This is now fixed and will prevent the system from removing the owners from opportunities in sequences.
Pro plan cannot set action to ‘Leave Unassigned’ – Since Pro plan users have access to groups, they should be able to leave opportunities in groups unassigned. This is now fixed and should be available to all Pro plan teams.
Automatic Releasing – There is no record in the activity log if an opportunity was automatically released from the group – Opportunities that have been released due to group rules did not have any status updates in their activity logs of the said event. This is now fixed and will now update the logs accordingly.
🛠️ Bug Fixes for All Plans
Transactions show incorrect projected profit – We had an issue with transactions showing incorrect values for projected profit in the dashboard, this is now fixed in this update.
Email Signature is not behaving correctly – The email signature would not have line breaks when they get sent to users, this is now fixed and applied to all emails sent from the system moving forward.
Transaction Closed notification incorrect details – The notification that gets sent when transactions are closed did not contain the actual profit. This is now fixed and will show the accurate profit in the notifications.
Tasks not updating statuses after being completed – Tasks would sometimes still appear in the actions list even when they have been completed. This has been fixed on this release, and completed tasks will no longer appear in the actions list.
Pinned opportunities can’t be unpinned from the Actions list view – We had an issue with pinned opportunities which did not allow users to get them unpinned from the actions list. This has been rectified, now you can unpin them without any issue.
SmrtPhone numbers are not going to the communication assignment if the SmrtPhone/CallRail webhook toggle is turned off – When users purchase new SmrtPhone numbers, they are not getting updated in the communications assignment when the SmrtPhone/CallRail webhook toggle was turned off. This has been fixed on this release, the SmrtPhone numbers will now update regardless of if the toggle is off.
Searching by name is not working properly – Switching the database to SQL caused the search function to not work correctly, we have now applied new coding to the search function to make it more usable.
smrtPhone tracking number not pushing to Communication assignment if it doesnt create a new opportunity – When users purchase new SmrtPhone numbers, they are not getting updated in the communications assignment unless they create a new opportunity first. This is now working correctly.
SmrtDialer not transferring notes into IF3 – SmrtDialer was not able to transfer notes into IF3 due to their lack of functionality in that specific area, they have now made changes to their system and it now sends the notes correctly.
Dashboard – New Opportunities is not accurate – The dashboard new opportunities would count data multiple times which caused discrepancies to the KPI, we have now applied the correct codes to fix this issue.
Actions Move to Overdue too Early – Some workspaces would move their Actions to overdue prematurely, this was because of timezone issues in the coding. With InvestorFuse Release 3.85, we have now adjusted the system to prevent this from happening.
Calc field in Important opportunity info not displaying correctly sometimes – The Calc field would sometimes show up as a long incomprehensible string of numbers. This is now fixed and should show data correctly.
Changing contacts number in the opportunity looks like it isn’t updating – Changing the phone number of contacts would sometimes appear as if it failed to do so and just show the old number. We have fixed this problem so the information should show up as it is.
Action sorting problem – When we switched to SQL, the way the system sorts action was changed unintentionally and caused the list to look scrambled. We have now addressed this issue and the actions are now correctly arranged according to the sorting option being used.
SmrtPhone cannot be integrated giving the error “Please check if the API key is valid” – There was an issue that occurred for new SmrtPhone accounts which stopped users from integrating it using the API key, this is now fixed and new accounts can be connected without issue.
Campaign date filtering is inaccurate by one day – The date we used the server for campaign filtering was a bit off(one day at the start and the end of the month), we have now adjusted this so the campaigns can now show accurate data.
Sequence messages going out at the wrong time – This is another case of the server using an incorrect timezone for the workspace causing sequence messages to send out on off hours. We have made adjustments across the server to fix this issue.
Dead Opportunities showing up in Active pipeline – Dead opportunities would show up in the active pipeline causing unnecessary clutter in the list. We have now applied a patch to fix this issue so Dead opportunities would only show up when filtered.
Non-stop save pop-up message – The system would have this annoying issue of showing the unsaved changes pop-up message even when no changes were made. This is now fixed and the message will now only appear if there was indeed any change made.
You have been assigned as the owner Notification showing old owner – We had an issue where if you clicked the notification for a newly reassigned opportunity, it would still show the old owner. This is now fixed and is working correctly.
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