Meet Jason Lewis
Jason Lewis joins the show to discuss how he is on pace to bring in the most revenue this year and how he built his team to do so. Currently, half of his business comes from InvestorMachine, a top-tier, done-for-you direct mail service.
Episode Outline
0:00 – Intro
Jason, his wife, and their 5 kids currently reside in Utah. Looking for a safe career path with how real estate was at that point, he got into cancer treatment with a degree in radiation therapy. He quickly realized that he didn’t enjoy the actual day-to-day of that job.
He worked with a real estate investor he knew for free for a month to learn the business. At that point, he became a massive asset and had to stay after he became integral in the operation of the business.
Back in 2012, They were doing one deal a month by doing a lot of blind offers on the MLS and on REOs. Fast forward to a few years later when they were up to 100+ deals annually.
In 2017, Jason ventured off to start his own business doing wholesaling and cherry-picking his own to fix and flip deals.
5:45 – Revenue over the last 4 years
His yearly revenue steadily increased year to year starting from 2018 when he did $1M and reaching $3M gross assignment fees in each of the past two years. So far for 2022, Jason Lewis is on pace to hit between $4-5M in gross assignment fees. Jason attributes the increase to having the right team in place.
6:30 – The Beginning of InvestorMachine
He started running marketing for other investors using the same processes he built in Utah. Currently, they serve 170 people across the nation by providing quality lists and running direct mail. 90% of Jason’s time is now devoted to InvestorMachine. They provide a white-glove, high-touch service that provides high-quality lists and direct mail.
9:45 – Jason Lewis’ Real Estate Business Team
His team consists of the COO, two acquisitions managers, one disposition manager, one junior disposition manager, one transaction coordinator, and three relationship managers. The three Relationship managers help find deals to buy and sell deals for more. The dispositions side is much more of a relationship game than most people give it credit for.
15:45 – All Things Data
About 50% of Jason’s business comes from marketing through InvestorMachine. Jason shares his philosophy on data which is “What data is really going to move the needle?”
19:30 – Scoring The Seller
There are 30 different points they look at when analyzing the seller, in addition to information on the property. InvestorMachine’s data analysts do a deep dive on scoring the seller and the scoring the property to further narrow the list of sellers to market to and customize the messaging in the direct mail.
22:07 – Other Marketing Channels That Jason Uses
The other half of his real estate lead generation is digital marketing as well as networking to generate referrals. Jason sees telecommunications as a dying marketing channel for real estate investing.
27:00 – Hiring
In general, Jason is a believer in hiring ahead of the curve. You want to hire three months ahead of when you anticipate needing that hire.
33:00 – Masterminds
Why real estate masterminds are one of the best investments you can make.
36:15 – Where the Real Estate Market is now and where it is heading
Jason breaks down his thinking on the current market situation. He believes that the market will stay high for a while, followed by a correction a lot less significant than 2008, and then a much longer recession.
$3M in Assignment fees with InvestorMachine on YouTube
$3M in Assignment fees with InvestorMachine on our Podcast
About Jason
Jason Lewis is an experienced real estate investor with a strong desire to give back and help others achieve the same. He started in real estate working for a flipper in 2012. He helped that company grow from 12 to over 200 flips a year. In 2017, he started Creation Utah, a flip and wholesale company which he grew to $3,000,000 a year in assignment fees by 2020 and 2021 with a fully built out team. In 2019 he co-founded The Investor Machine with Mike Hambright and has grown it to hundreds of members from coast to coast. InvestorMachine is the nation’s most cutting-edge data, list, and direct mail company, and the largest ‘done for you’ lead generation service for professional real estate investors in America. Among all companies, Jason has a team of over 100 people. Jason is also a husband and father to 5 kids ages 4-9 and resides in Utah with his family.
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