Meet Ken Van Liew
Ken Van Liew joins the show this week to talk about his real estate journey and how he used his experience in construction and engineering to build the systems and processes he uses today in finding, funding, and facilitating real estate deals.
Episode Outline
0:00 – Intro on Ken Van Liew and How He Started with Real Estate
Ken provides an overview of his background and what he’s currently focusing on in real estate. He is currently into mixed-use development properties which span a wide range of asset classes.
3:16 – Simplifying Real Estate
Ken discusses breaking down the huge processes of real estate into simpler terms. Real estate investing broken down into three components is simply to find it, fund it, and facilitate it.
7:45 – Biggest Lesson from Tony Robbins
Ken provides insight into the lessons he learned from mentor Tony Robbins. He goes into detail about a specific program called “The Time of Your Life” and how chunking things down helped optimize different aspects of his life.
11:50 – Flipping USA and Flipping New Jersey
After having done a $17M assisted living project in New Jersey using other people’s money, Ken decided to create Flipping USA to test what he learned and apply it to residential real estate investing. He built the systems in place to find, fund, and facilitate more deals and close more real estate transactions.
15:00 – Importance of Systems and Processes
Ken talks about having built his own systems from experience in construction and engineering. He brings up relationship building and establishing networks with other people. Ken brings up a strategy called “micro-distinction” that he uses when speaking to other people.
18:40 – Ken Van Liew’s Mindset
Ken is big on creating a deeper emotional rapport and listening to what’s important to people and establishing a connection in every conversation. As Ken puts it, “People need to be understood more now than ever”.
24:18 – Building a Large Network vs. A Smaller Group with Deeper Connections
Ken shares his fulfillment with establishing meaningful relationships with people compared to building a larger network and having only a few close connections and how it leads to success in business as well.
28:20 – Where The Real Estate Market Is Now and Where It’s Headed
Ken shares his insight on the current market situation and predicts that fallout is bound to happen, not to the extent of the 2008 crash, but a definite correction due to how much real estate prices have skyrocketed over the past few years.
Real Estate Systems and Mindset with Ken Van Liew on YouTube
Real Estate Systems and Mindset with Ken Van Liew on our Podcast
About Ken
Ken Van Liew started his professional career with a civil design engineering job, twins, and 2 master’s degrees, underpinned by a six-figure debt and a burning desire to serve others.
Sixteen years later, he cut the ribbon on the development of a $17M dollar, 72,000 square feet, 113-bed assisted living facility. He parlayed this success into a Staten Island waterfront development and began a mastery journey with Tony Robbins. While attending Tony Robbin’s event in Hawaii, his waterfront development was terminated due to the World Trade Center tragedies.
This moment gave Ken time to reflect on where he was, where he wanted to be and the impact he wanted to have. Alongside the syndication and development of over a billion dollars of high-profile real estate investments, Ken wholesaled 137 deals in one year as co-founder of Flipping USA and then created the Modern Wealth Building Formula as the fastest track to building wealth … a project that has empowered 1000’s of investors over the last 20 years.
Simply put, Ken is a titan in the world of real estate responsible for over a billion dollars of construction across dozens of projects, and has forever changed the New York skyline. In addition, Ken regularly speaks on stages including NYU Real Estate Institute and the College of Engineering at Rutgers University, and is a best-selling author. Ken is an unsung hero in the world of stage magic, has been married for over 30 years, and is the proud father of 3 talented and successful children.
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